^0 *** WARNING: Checksums do not match. This image file may be corrupted. *** ^0 *** ERROR #^1: ^2 *** ^0 Operation cancelled! ^0 Operation complete. - Calculated checksums: Data $^0, Tags $^1 - Archived checksums: Data $^0, Tags $^1 - Total Files: ^0 - Total Size: ^1 bytes - Volume Name: ^0 - Volume Size: ^1K Target: ^0 Destination: ^0 Source: ^0 ^0 Deleting file… ^0 Decompressing file… ^0 Compressing file… ^0 Copying ^1 to ^2… ^0 Verifying ^1… ^0 Unmounting disk image… ^0 Copying folder contents… ^0 Formatting a new ^1… ^0 Mounting ^1… ShrinkWrap™ ^2 Copyright ©1994-96 by Chad Magendanz Begin Session: ^1, ^0 ----------------